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The Team Deakins podcast is an ongoing conversation between acclaimed cinematographer Roger Deakins and James Deakins, his collaborator, about cinematography, the film business and whatever other questions are submitted. We start with a specific question and end....who knows where! We are joined by guests periodically. Followup questions can be posted in the forums at

Oct 21, 2020


Team Deakins sits with Tom Newman, (1917, SKYFALL, WALL-E, AMERICAN BEAUTY), and learns lots about the world of the composer.  He tells us about learning to be a collaborator, his experience with directors like Robert Altman and Sam Mendes, how he deals with last minute editorial changes after the music has been composed and the difference between composing for Live Action and Animation. He also speaks of working in television, how binge watching changed theme music on TV shows, the musical challenge on the film, 1917 and his feeling that creativity is chaotic. And that’s only scratching the surface of what we got into during the conversation! A great episode with a talented composer!

RECOMMENDED EPISODE VIEWING: 1917, Shawshank Redemption