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The Team Deakins podcast is an ongoing conversation between acclaimed cinematographer Roger Deakins and James Deakins, his collaborator, about cinematography, the film business and whatever other questions are submitted. We start with a specific question and end....who knows where! We are joined by guests periodically. Followup questions can be posted in the forums at

Aug 26, 2020


Team Deakins dives into the world of VFX. We speak with a VFX Producer, Sona Pak (1917, THE TWO POPES, ALIEN: COVENANT) and a VFX Supervisor, Guillaume Rocheron (1917, AD ASTRA, LIFE OF PI). So the first question we get to settle is who does what. We also look into things like, the advantages and disadvantages of working with multiple vendors, how to keep a continuity of look when so many people are working on a shot, face replacement in shots, how what is a VFX shot and what isn’t is decided, the importance of knowing the different strengths of the various VFX houses and how the post schedule can contract. And that’s just a few of the points we touch on. It’s a large subject and it was great to speak with two such talented people!