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The Team Deakins podcast is an ongoing conversation between acclaimed cinematographer Roger Deakins and James Deakins, his collaborator, about cinematography, the film business and whatever other questions are submitted. We start with a specific question and end....who knows where! We are joined by guests periodically. Followup questions can be posted in the forums at

Dec 20, 2020

EPISODE 73 - ROB HARDY - Cinematographer

Team Deakins sits down with English cinematographer, Rob Hardy for a great, in-depth conversation. We cover many subjects, including his work on BOY A with John Crowley, the experience of the movie, RED RIDING with Michael Winterbottom, and his frequent collaboration with Alex Garland on the films EX MACHINA andANNIHILATION. He also talks about working with a Steadicam, operating the camera, mixing light sources and his choice of lenses per project. We even get into his experience on MISSION IMPOSSIBLE. And we don’t forget to talk about the series DEVs.  It’s a special inside look at how he works and thinks. You don’t want to miss it!